Monday, October 18, 2010

Unilever's Sustainability Strategy

According to Unilever's website, Unilever understands that the world is changing and has decided to change with it. They are focusing not only on their factories but they are also focusing on the bigger picture: from sourcing their natural resources to how their consumers dispose of their products.

Unilever added sustainability to their goals in the 1990s and then in 2005, they began to use Brand Imprint to integrate their new agenda into their old one.

Their main idea is that if they educate their consumers and then in return their consumers make a small change, this will quickly add up and make a big difference.

Stating this objective outright on their website shows their consumers that they are serious about "going green." Because of this, they will most likely gain more consumers because people know that Unilever cares and since the company is caring, maybe if they (the consumers) buy their products it means that they too care. This can increase competition because it seems like many companies are jumping on the Green Movement bandwagon. If more and more companies improve their sustainability, competition will increase and our world will be in much better shape overall.

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