Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just One Word: Bioplastics

According to the Wall Street Journal on October 18, 2010, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly products in the Consumer Products Industry. This is expected to increase the use of bioplastics for this industry that include companies all over the world. Some drivers of this new movement into eco-friendly materials include Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Coca-Cola, and PepsiCo.

Not only is this trend going to help the environment, but it is also cheaper for the companies.

Helping to fulfill the "Green Niche," "some of these companies say their goal is not to completely replace petroleum-based plastics." All they want to do is make a product that will please customers (while making money at the same time, of course).

Again, as said in my earlier posts about the Green Movement, this will increase the competition in the Consumer Products Industry. As long as there are niches that need filling, competition will continue to increase. But will the need for aiding in the Green Movement ever stop? I don't think so because there can also be improvements--nothing is ever the best it can be.


  1. While I agree that the Green Movement has the potential to keep progressing, I do believe it has its limitations. One such hinderance may be product quality. One example that (I think) has been posted on our blog referenced customer dissatisfaction with laundry detergent. Sulfates were removed due to the harm they cause on the environment and replaced with a different substance. The detergent lacked what it did before, and customers voiced their opinion. The company is then stuck, having to choose between "green" or customer loyalty/satisfaction.

  2. Personally I believe that the Green Movement already is unstoppable and is only going to get larger. Although there is a population of people who will never take part in the Green Movement, I believe that in a decade or so the successful companies will be those that decided to "go green". Product quality may be an issue now, but soon enough companies will find new solutions and the Green Movement will continue to grow.
