Saturday, November 13, 2010

Informational Interview Takeaways

For my informational interview, I contacted Mr. James Witmer from Earth Sun Moon Trading Company. He answered many questions in great detail, and here are three takeaways I gained from our conversation:

· Creating a “presence” in a specific market is what leads to sales. By recreating two very “UN-sophisticated websites” Mr. Witmer broadened the company’s clientele; the new sites are easier to maneuver about and explain products with more detail.

· Privacy policies are very important, especially to online stores that gather information from customers. Earth Sun Moon once had a “We never share anything, period” policy in effect. But as more and more direct-mail companies modernized and shared/rented information, Earth Sun Moon Trading Company tweaked its policy to do the same, while still allowing customers to refuse them the right to do so.

· I most revered Mr. Witmer’s explanation of Earth Sun Moon’s company culture. The owner/president receives respect only because he gives it to every single one of his employees; Mr. Witmer stated that the president “believes that using a human being in any way is immoral, and so he insists that the company/employee relationship be win-win.” He instills that belief by keeping his doors open for any questions and talking one-on-one daily with his employees. As a result, those workers have a higher morale and want to give customers the same feeling.

1 comment:

  1. These three points illustrate very accurately much of what we have learned. The newly created websites promote brand awareness simply by making information about Earth Sun Moon more easily accessed. The altered privacy policy illustrates how there are benefits and risks to technological change. While a company's efficiency might increase, it also becomes more susceptible to hackers. Lastly, the third point proves that empathetic management will eventually increase a company's productivity.
