Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Wash Hands of Palm Oil Unilever Embraces Algae

Unilever, producer of Dove soap, Vaseline lotion, Magnum ice cream and other mainstream products, is committed to the use of algae as a source of getting natural oil. This is instead of using palm oil which can be harmful to the environment. Unilever recently invested in a company called Solazyme Inc., which "harvests" this algae, because there was an increasing amount of pressure to become eco-friendly.

This algae will not take the place of natural oils any time soon (it might take up to seven years for this to happen) because this new process needs to be tested on humans and changes need to be made. However, algae is seen to have great potential.

The process through which Solazyme "harvests" the oil is somewhat simple: they use plant-matter as food for microalgae which naturally have the ability to make oil without harming the environment.

Other companies such as Nestle and Kraft are also looking into alternatives to natural oil. Solazyme, among other things, is also trying to use algae in fuel for the Navy.

If companies like this are able to use oils from algae, demand will increase because people who are trying to promote saving the environment will be more apt to buying these products. This may take a long time to perfect, but it is on its way. Overall, the companies who are pursuing this alternative will benefit because of the huge push for eco-friendly products.


  1. With adequate testing, this new source for oil would be extremely beneficial. However, just like any movement, this new idea must be proven effective and safe before people will trust it. If proven safe, not only will the economy benefit from increased demand but the environment will benefit significantly. I believe that this product could take off, just like Toyota's hybrid cars.

  2. In addition to my comment regarding hybrid cars, one must recognize that hybrid cars did not become popular overnight. As the environmental movement persisted, more and more people gained an awareness of its importance and in turn purchased the new cars. Look at the influence of the movement now. Honda has begun manufacturing their own versions of the hybrid: the 2010 Honda Insight, the 2011 Civic Hybrid Sedan, and the 2011 Honda CR-Z. Just as the awareness of hybrids’ benefit took time, the same awareness for algae oil as a beneficial alternative to standard oil will be a process.
